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HR Award

In June 2020 Faculty of Arts received the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. The Faculty undertook to comply with the principles stipulated by the European Charter and Code for Researchers (https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/euraxess/charter-code-researchers) within several next years.

The HR Award is an award provided by European Commission to research  institutions for excellent human resources management. The awarded institution guarantees an open and transparent process of selection and recruitment of new employees, as well as continuous quality assurance in the working environment.

Among others, HR Award:

  • Increases the attractiveness of the Faculty of Arts for domestic and foreign researcherslogo-hr-16mm
  • Supports quality assurance processes in the field of science and research and supports continuous improvement of working conditions for domestic and foreign researchers
  • Enables to publish all selection procedures for recruitment of researchers at EURAXESS
  • Increases the chances of the faculty in obtaining research projects and grants
  • Favors the Faculty in drawing indirect costs in projects

Faculty of Arts was awarded after elaboration of extensive GAP analysis and the subsequent Action Plan for Improvement. In the GAP analysis, weaknesses of the current practice in the field of human resources management were identified. The Action plan sets clear and measurable steps through which these weaknesses will be continuously improved. The Faculty has to implement the Action Plan within two years since obtaining the award. Subsequently, an internal assessment of progress will take place and the Faculty will have to report the progress to European Commission via Interim review. In the case of successful assessment, the award will be prolonged for a three-year period.

The key areas for improvement at the Faculty of Arts are following:

  • Doctoral studies, i.e. specification of the rights and obligations for students and of rules for postgraduate studies at the faculty
  • Communication, i.e. creating of an effective communication strategy for strengthening relations with the external partners and for popularizing the results of science and research
  • Gender policies, i.e. continuous promotion of gender balance and gender sensitivity in human resource management processes
  • Integration of the principles of the Charter and the Code into the Faculty long-term strategy and related legislative documents

The GAP analysis and the Action Plan were prepared on the basis of the results of questionnaire survey and two focus groups. Selected documents in English are published below.

Date of submitting the application for the HR Award: December 10, 2019

Award date: June 22, 2020

Contact us: hraward@ff.zcu.cz
